RegistrationOnline Registration for grades K-12! Online RISE Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 school year!
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Upcoming EventsMar5MAJE Northeast Senior FestivalReading Memorial High School (62 Oakland Rd, Reading, MA 01867)Mar10Teacher In-Service: No SchoolMar10SEPAC Wachusetts Mountain MeetupMar13School Committee62 Oakland Rd (62 Oakland Rd, Reading, Massachusetts 01867)Mar22MAJE State FinalsNorwood High School (245 Nichols St, Norwood, MA 02062)Mar27School Committee62 Oakland Rd (62 Oakland Rd, Reading, Massachusetts 01867)Apr4Middle School and High School Early Dismissal (MS 12:30pm & HS 1:04PM)Apr4RMHS Playwright Club ShowcaseReading Memorial High School (62 Oakland Rd, Reading, MA 01867)Apr10School Committee62 Oakland Rd (62 Oakland Rd, Reading, Massachusetts 01867)Apr21Patriots' Day: No SchoolApr22-25April Vacation: No SchoolMay2RMHS Spring Performance - Picasso at the Lapin AgileReading Memorial High School (62 Oakland Rd, Reading, MA 01867)